Nashville, Tennessee Newborn Photographer | 5 Questions to Ask Your Newborn Photographer | Emma Faye's Newborn Session
5 Questions to Ask Your Newborn Photographer
It is so important to find out what type of education your photographer has had. Why? Because they are handling your baby and putting them in potentially dangerous poses if they aren’t exactly sure of what they’re doing. Baby safety should be top priority with every newborn photographer.
Are we talking college? Not necessarily. There are TONS of educational resources for photographers (outside of Youtube) from online courses to in person workshops and mentorships. Find out if your photographer has invested in any of these. Know how long they’ve been photographing newborns.
2. CPR Certified
Piggy backing off of the last question - is your photographer CPR certified?
I’m typically the first person outside of immediate family and medical staff that has been around your child. Meaning that you are SUPER tired because you haven’t had a break. Lots of times, parents come in and fall asleep on the couch. That baby is in my care for 3-4 hours. Being CPR certified ensures that I know the steps to take should things take a turn during the session.
3. Vaccinations
This could vary depending on your family’s beliefs, but it may be important to you that your photographer is up to date on all current vaccinations. If this is a priority for you, it never hurts to ask!
4. Studio Policies
What policies does your newborn photographer have in place to keep his/her studio a safe environment for your family?
In my studio, door handles are Lysoled, floors are bleached, props are wiped down and all fabrics are washed before you arrive. I also have a note on the door asking clients to either remove their shoes or grab a pair of shoe covers (sitting by the door) on their way in so that we aren’t tracking in germs that little hands might touch.
During the session I wear a mask. I’ve done this pre-COVID and will continue to do this even when the COVID threat dies down. Why? Because you don’t know you’re sick until you are. And you don’t know you’re contagious until you are. I was a registered nurse prior to going full time in photography. I’m well aware of how delicate newborn immune systems are and I try to do everything in my power to keep from spreading illnesses of any kind through my studio.
I also wash my hands multiple times during the session and I’m happy to wear gloves if parents request.
I have also taken parent-provided at-home COVID tests the day before or the day of a session at the parent’s request.
If someone in my home is feeling ill at all (even with no fever), I will contact parents and let them know symptoms and have both of us make a decision on whether or not to delay or proceed with the session.
5. What does the photographer provide for the session?
Find out what to bring!
My clients are provided with a Prep Guide once they book their session. It is comprised of all of the questions I could possibly think of that I’m asked for newborn sessions.
My clients also have access to the client closet. This means that I have dresses for mom and siblings. Wraps, caps and headbands for baby. ALLLLL the props (I have a prop addiction).
I also provide a meal for my newborn clients. Sessions are 3-4 hours long and I’d be worried if you weren’t hungry by the end of it.
With those 5 questions, you should be off to a great start on your hunt for the perfect photographer match for your family!
Also, be sure that you’ve looked at their website and reviewed their work. Photographers are artists above all else and there’s no size fits all. We all have our own style and brand. Make sure that you choose the style and photographer that you LOVE!
Sweet baby detail shots!